ほぼ初めての心電図: 最初はここからはじまります

ほぼ初めての心電図: 最初はここからはじまります

ほぼ初めての心電図: 最初はここからはじまります

3,740円(03/29 05:43時点)











第1章 心電図とは
01 心電図とは何ですか
02 心電図を学ぶときに必要なこと

第4章 脚ブロック
01 心室の刺激伝導系─右脚と左脚
02 右脚ブロックの12 誘導心電図

第5章 電気軸
01 心室の電気軸
02 電気軸の正常値

第13章 心電図が体に染みこむ練習問題
01 心電図が体に染みこむ練習問題




心電図でできること・できないことがまず書いてあって、ありがたい。心電図の立派な本を見ると、心膜炎とかファロー四徴症とかもでてくるわけで、そんなのまで心電図で読めないといけないの? とモチベーションが下がる。そこは心電図より先にエコーでしょうよ、といってもらえたら、悩まずに済むというものだ。










膜電位の数式が出てこない代わりに、ドレッシングの例えがあった。でも全くわからなかった。エントロピー? 位置エネルギー? Na-K ATPaseはどれ? まあ、電気生理学の試験にドレッシングで答えない方がいいとは思う。

このイラストと一番近い容器は、iL-Chianti(イル キャンティ)だろうか。TMI































Artificial intelligence to predict needs for urgent revascularization from 12-leads electrocardiography in emergency patients

Shinichi Goto, Mai Kimura, Yoshinori Katsumata, Shinya Goto, Takashi Kamatani, Genki Ichihara, Seien Ko, Junichi Sasaki, Keiichi Fukuda, Motoaki Sano

Patient with acute coronary syndrome benefits from early revascularization. However, methods for the selection of patients who require urgent revascularization from a variety of patients visiting the emergency room with chest symptoms is not fully established. Electrocardiogram is an easy and rapid procedure, but may contain crucial information not recognized even by well-trained physicians. To make a prediction model for the needs for urgent revascularization from 12-lead electrocardiogram recorded in the emergency room. We developed an artificial intelligence model enabling the detection of hidden information from a 12-lead electrocardiogram recorded in the emergency room. Electrocardiograms obtained from consecutive patients visiting the emergency room at Keio University Hospital from January 2012 to April 2018 with chest discomfort was collected. These data were splitted into validation and derivation dataset with no duplication in each dataset. The artificial intelligence model was constructed to select patients who require urgent revascularization within 48 hours. The model was trained with the derivation dataset and tested using the validation dataset. Of the consecutive 39,619 patients visiting the emergency room with chest discomfort, 362 underwent urgent revascularization. Of them, 249 were included in the derivation dataset and the remaining 113 were included in validation dataset. For the control, 300 were randomly selected as derivation dataset and another 130 patients were randomly selected for validation dataset from the 39,317 who did not undergo urgent revascularization. On validation, our artificial intelligence model had predictive value of the c-statistics 0.88 (95% CI 0.84–0.93) for detecting patients who required urgent revascularization. Our artificial intelligence model provides information to select patients who need urgent revascularization from only 12-leads electrocardiogram in those visiting the emergency room with chest discomfort.

PLoS ONE 2019 https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0210103

An artificial intelligence-enabled ECG algorithm for the identification of patients with atrial fibrillation during sinus rhythm: a retrospective analysis of outcome prediction

Zachi I Attia, Peter A Noseworthy, Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, Samuel J Asirvatham, Abhishek J Deshmukh, Bernard J Gersh, Rickey E Carter, Xiaoxi Yao, Alejandro A Rabinstein, Brad J Erickson, Suraj Kapa, Paul A Friedman

Background Atrial fibrillation is frequently asymptomatic and thus underdetected but is associated with stroke, heart failure, and death. Existing screening methods require prolonged monitoring and are limited by cost and low yield. We aimed to develop a rapid, inexpensive, point-of-care means of identifying patients with atrial fibrillation using machine learning. Methods We developed an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled electrocardiograph (ECG) using a convolutional neural network to detect the electrocardiographic signature of atrial fibrillation present during normal sinus rhythm using standard 10-second, 12-lead ECGs. We included all patients aged 18 years or older with at least one digital, normal sinus rhythm, standard 10-second, 12-lead ECG acquired in the supine position at the Mayo Clinic ECG laboratory between Dec 31, 1993, and July 21, 2017, with rhythm labels validated by trained personnel under cardiologist supervision. We classified patients with at least one ECG with a rhythm of atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter as positive for atrial fibrillation. We allocated ECGs to the training, internal validation, and testing datasets in a 7:1:2 ratio. We calculated the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operatoring characteristic curve for the internal validation dataset to select a probability threshold, which we applied to the testing dataset. We evaluated model performance on the testing dataset by calculating the AUC and the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F1 score with two-sided 95% CIs. Findings We included 180 922 patients with 649 931 normal sinus rhythm ECGs for analysis: 454 789 ECGs recorded from 126 526 patients in the training dataset, 64 340 ECGs from 18 116 patients in the internal validation dataset, and 130 802 ECGs from 36 280 patients in the testing dataset. 3051 (8·4%) patients in the testing dataset had verified atrial fibrillation before the normal sinus rhythm ECG tested by the model. A single AI-enabled ECG identified atrial fibrillation with an AUC of 0·87 (95% CI 0·86–0·88), sensitivity of 79·0% (77·5–80·4), specificity of 79·5% (79·0–79·9), F1 score of 39·2% (38·1–40·3), and overall accuracy of 79·4% (79·0–79·9). Including all ECGs acquired during the first month of each patient’s window of interest (ie, the study start date or 31 days before the first recorded atrial fibrillation ECG) increased the AUC to 0·90 (0·90–0·91), sensitivity to 82·3% (80·9–83·6), specificity to 83·4% (83·0–83·8), F1 score to 45·4% (44·2–46·5), and overall accuracy to 83·3% (83·0–83·7). Interpretation An AI-enabled ECG acquired during normal sinus rhythm permits identification at point of care of individuals with atrial fibrillation. Funding None.

The Lancet 2019 https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(19)31721-0


